Plant Care Guide
Philodendron Hope Selloum

*This plant is toxic to pets* Water: Water once week or when top two inches of soil are dry. Light: Medium or bright indirect light. Can tolerate very high light. Tips: Rotate periodically as leaves will reach for the sun.
Corn Plant

*This plant is toxic to pets* Water: Check soil once a week but only water if completely dried out. Light: Bright indirect light. Can tolerate some shade. Tips: Likes being misted for humidity.
Frosty Fern

Water: Water the plant once or twice every week during summer and the growing season. During winter and fall, water only when the soil feels dry after inserting a finger an inch or two into the soil. Light: Thrives in partial to full shade, and requires only light/minimal exposure to sunlight. Do not keep in window. Tips: The frosty fern, despite its name, is actually not a fern; It is a type of spike moss so do not follow typical fern-care instructions.
Lucky Bamboo

*This plant is toxic to pets* Water: Keep soil lightly damp. Don't overwater or let it get too dry. Light: Indirect light. Can survive in lower light. Tips: Remove dead or yellow leaves with scissors. Yellow leaves occur when not getting enough water, there's too much soil, or too much direct light.

*While Cacti are non-toxic, their pricks can be hazardous to pets. Cacti come in many variations, colors and shapes. They require the same care. Water: Water weekly during growing season and about every other week during off-season or when totally dried out. Light: Bright, direct light. Tips: Be sure to use well-draining soil.